Embarking on a journey of teaching drum set at the age of 19 was both thrilling and daunting. When my teacher entrusted me with his students, I was faced with the challenge of not only imparting technical skills but also nurturing a deep understanding and passion for music. This blog post aims to chronicle my journey, highlighting the obstacles encountered along the way and the development of my progressive teaching method, Drumphonics. By simplifying drum set education, Drumphonics has revolutionized how young students learn to play the drums, fostering a love for music.

  1. Teaching Young Students and Their Parents: One of the initial challenges I faced was effectively teaching young students and engaging their parents in the learning process. Recognizing that children have different learning styles and attention spans and that parents are very busy and have limited attention spans, I implemented creative teaching techniques, simple patterns, and visual aids. I also use their favorite music they listen to each day in their musical journey.
  2. Teaching Students to Play Along with Their Favorite Music: One of the primary goals of teaching drum sets is to enable students to play the music they love. To accomplish this, I have them hear the steady pulse while nodding or swaying, then the downbeat and the backbeat, and then say CHOOM CHAT with the music to help students actively listen to music, hearing and then saying and playing CHOOM CHAT in different tempos. Incorporating the songs they love into the lessons encourages students and parents to say CHOOM CHAT while listening to music throughout their days.
  3. Simplifying Traditional Drum Notation and Counting: Understanding traditional drum notation and counting can overwhelm beginners. To overcome this challenge, I developed simplified methods of teaching notation and counting, breaking down complex rhythms into manageable parts. By using visual aids, mnemonic devices, and hands-on exercises, I ensure that students can grasp these fundamental concepts and apply them effectively.
  4. Instructing and Describing Drum Set Components: Another hurdle was effectively instructing students on the various parts of the drum set. I developed a systematic approach that involved breaking down the drum set into its individual components and teaching students the purpose and sound of each element. By using descriptive language and interactive demonstrations, I make the learning experience engaging and comprehensive.
  5. Teaching Note Division with Words and Counting: Note division is a crucial aspect of drumming, and teaching it effectively requires clear explanations and practical exercises. I devised methods to teach note division using words, simplifying complex rhythms and patterns. By employing hands-on activities, I help students grasp the concept of note division, enabling them to execute intricate drum patterns with confidence.
  6. Conclusion: My journey of teaching drum set began with numerous challenges, but through dedication and innovation, I developed Drumphonics, a progressive teaching method that simplifies drum set education. By addressing the challenges of teaching young students, incorporating their favorite music, simplifying drum notation and counting, instructing drum set components, teaching note division, and including students’ families, Drumphonics has transformed the learning experience. Through this approach, I have inspired and nurtured a new generation of drummers, fostering a deep love and understanding of music in each student I teach.